BLOG SERIES: Lockdown Diaries
Young people are at the centre of the ESA commitment
Young People Today is a platform that supports implementation of the ESA Ministerial Commitment on access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Youth-Friendly Health Services.
Led by Ministries of Health and Education from the ESA region and supported by the United Nations, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the East African Community (EAC) joined efforts to improve the lives of young people with sexuality education and health services in the region.
On 7 December 2013, Ministers of Education and Health from 20 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa agreed to work collaboratively towards the highest possible level of health, education, non-discrimination, and well-being of adolescents and young people.
20 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa adopted the ESA Commitment that assures adolescents young people access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Friendly Health Services as part of regional efforts to address high HIV infection, STIs and teenage pregnancy.
Take Action
With more that 65% of the region’s population, adolescents and young people are at the core of ESA Commitment. The region aspires for “a young African, a global citizen who is empowered, educated, healthy, resilient and socially responsible“. Play your part in realising the commitment.
The ESA commitment belongs to young people
The ESA Commitment belongs to young people. It is critical that the most marginalized and vulnerable are factored into relevant policies and programming related to their health.
Programmers and other stakeholders
Programmers and other stakeholders should consider young people as a heterogeneous group with different needs and situations which are taken into account in programming.
Eliminate barriers to access SRH and HIV services at all levels
Programmers and other stakeholders should consider young people as a heterogeneous group with different needs and situations which are taken into account in programming.
Innovate different forms of media
There is a need to innovate around the use of different and relevant forms of media (both traditional and digital) to ensure diverse groups of young people are sufficiently connected and continue to be engaged with in the policy-making processes that impact on their lives.
Effective mechanisms
New and effective mechanisms need to be found to reach young key populations and marginalized adolescents, for example: those who are living in extreme poverty, married at a young age, sell sex for economic survival, or living with disabilities.
The ESA commitment is about securing the future of young people
Make young people part of the solution. time to act now.
On 7 December 2013, Ministers of Education and Health from 20 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa agreed to work collaboratively towards the highest possible level of health, education, non-discrimination, and well-being of adolescents and young people.
Young people in Eastern and Southern Africa lack basic knowledge of and access to crucial sexual and reproductive heath information and services, including issues related to HIV and pregnancy prevention.
Enter Young People Today…an initiative, supported by the United Nations, the Southern African Development Community, the East African Community and Civil Society Organizations to improve the health and well-being of young people in the region.
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