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High Performance Structure Assessment

Improve Sales Momentum in 66-days 

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From a second set of eyes to assess your current sales approach or foundationaly restructuring your go- sales strategy we can assist by providing a practical and actionable approach to sales consulting and benchmarking.

Our High Performance Sales Assessment covers a review of 16 critical success factors (see below) based on our Customer Centric Sales Execution Strategy. The standard critical success factors that we measure and benchmark are structured across 4 core pillars that interconnect and create the execution framework of a high momentum sales team.  

high performance structure, momentum selling

Our High Performance Consulting Service will thoroughly benchmark your sales strategy, people, process & technology and provide you with practical and executable recommendations where there are opportunities for improvement.

Customer Centric Sales Execution Strategy 

Customer Centric Sales Execution Strategy 

Customer Value Positioning & Messaging

It doesn’t matter how talented or motivated your selling team is if your sales strategy, value proposition and messaging are unable resonate and generate demand within a selected target market. Per the illustration above, the formulating, positioning and articulate communication of your core value proposition should be at the core of a Customer Centric Sales Execution Strategy.

Is there an opportunity to maximize?

  • The focusing and positioning of your brand message, including the unique value and outcomes of purchase, with a defined and reachable ideal target market

  • The  alignment of your sales strategy to sales coverage model to maximize selling efforts against you ideal target market and budget

  • Communication channels and content packaging so that your messaging is  articulated effectively and consistently by both sales and marketing

  • The selling methodology that your sellers are using for optimal generation of buyer demand

  • Your sales process with clear execution criteria defined at each stage of the buyer/seller interaction (link to chart).

value positioning, momentum selling

Assessment of Core Selling Capabilities

A seller’s primary objective is to communicate your brand value in a way that professionally influences the buyer’s mindset and levels of motivation to buy. When done well, the building of buyer trust in both the sales person and your company’s solutions, are increased as each progressive stage of the sales cycle. Our assessment of core selling skills will breakdown and provide feedback of your teams capabilities to generate momentum across the sales cycle.

There may be an opportunity to improve?

  • Lead Generation

  • Inbound capabilities and optimization

  • Outbound  - practices and cadences

  • Core Selling Skills  - level of execution to drive momentum across the sales cycle

  • Daily and activity sales cadences

Management (Best Practice, Coaching, Support Structure)

Your management best practices and competency levels including areas such as coaching, management cadences and support structure could make or break your ability to execute on your sales strategy and deliver consistent sales result.

There may be an opportunity to improve:

  • Your Management Cadence, support structure, and execution  

  • Your coaching methods and framework for timely reinforcement and correction of selling behaviors

  • Activity visibility to hold sellers accountable

  • Managers EQ & Leadership ability

sales consultation, momentum selling
businessman smiling, momentum selling
Personal Skills & Engagement Benchmark

A sellers personal management skills, mindset and engagement levels will amplify or reduce their success. Getting objective perspective on individual and team gaps may provide opportunity for you to quickly make adjustment and help move the needle against both individual and team results.

We offer:

  • DISC communication styles and behavioral orientation

  • Time management and self-responsibility index

  • Engagement and attitude index and evaluation

Ready to Get Started?

Take the first step towards driving change and improving your sales momentum

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