Build Prospecting Momentum

Multiple studies have shown that the #1 differentiator between low momentum and high momentum sales teams is the ability to sustain the right activities that will generate a sufficient amount of net new prospect meetings
Increase Top-of-Pipeline Activity and Meetings
Would you like to improve the skill set and structure of your prospecting activities and initiatives? Are you looking to increase the number of contacts made and meetings set by your team?
Our prospecting momentum programs offers customized Coaching, workshops and tools to improve results for B2B sales teams that need assistance in the following critical areas:
Developing a Dependable Prospecting Framework

Prioritize prospecting activities and provide your team with a structured and repeatable model that will generate more net new meetings. As one of our core services, prospecting momentum provides you and your team with the skill & behaviour sets to deliver high impact messaging, to the right people though a proven call methodology and multi-channel touch cadence.
Let our experts’ help you and your team develop a consistent framework and structure customized to your specific market place and targeted buyer personas.
Make Consistent and Effective Phone Prospecting Calls
Setting first time appointments over the phone, through either cold calling or warm lead calling is never easy. From overcoming call reluctance to performing in the moment of pushback, success will not happen unless you have a defined and repeatable method that establishes credibility and provides a reason to meet within the first 15 seconds of the conversation.
Our Effective First Calls module trains sales people how to anchor their conversations with a compelling customer centric message at the very start of the prospect dialogue. This acts as an engagement onramp and provides a viable point of interest and reason to meet.

Tactically breakthrough Initial Objections (Including Gatekeepers)

Breakthrough common objections to you meeting request such as “send me the information” or “we are happy with our current supplier”. Many times sales people will exhibit one of the FADE © behaviors (Freeze, Aggression, Defensive, Exit) at this point and miss the opportunity. Within our “first call workflow” we teach several simple and practical techniques such as D3 and E3 to get through these barriers and continue the conversation after the initial pushback. Learning how to apply these techniques will double your meeting conversion rate without sounding pushy or aggressive.
Create a Mindset for Success
Prospecting must start with purpose and be driven by intent. In other words, sales people must have a “why” and be mentally prepared and committed to execute regularly scheduled prospecting activities. Equally important to their success is the need to be mentally prepared during the call. Our “Mindset for Success” training module also teaches how to deploy several best practices and techniques that are used by top performing prospectors during the initial call. Sellers are provided with a mental formula that can be practices and reinforced with measurable results and coaching for more consistent prospecting activities.

Training Methods & Options
Our prospecting momentum program can be delivered through half day and full day workshops options tailored to your team’s specific target market and process so that new skills and techniques can be put into on-the job practice quickly for increased sales results.
Post- training support options include:
eLearning self directed review (SCORM compliant) for Effective First Calls Module
10 Peak Performance Micros- One per week for 10 weeks post training
Additional 3 hour Coach the Coach sessions for sales leaders
Live call coaching blocks
Our training will provide you with almost immediate measurable pipeline increase by improving your teams proficiency, cadence and mindset for booking more meetings and locking prospecting excellence into your sales DNA.

Outcomes of Prospecting Momentum Training
Peak Performance Sales Training Systems
Built from 33-years of experience as one of the GTA’s leading Management Training Companies
Design customization, concept layering, and post training reinforcements are central to our Peak Performance Training Model. Our experience and research has shown that there are 3 critical components to driving your successful training outcomes.
Sales training is not an event it is a process. Each step in the process helps you to achieve maximum results. Training will encourage your employees to modify parts of their current behavior or habits. For sales training to be successful your employees must be willing to embrace and try the skills they have learned in workshop(s). Therefore the more practical or customized the training content and post training reinforcement the more consistent and effective a seller will be at applying it and achieving results.
Peak Performance - Learning Transfer System